Too Late

by Jeannette Lopez   Jan 5, 2007

I look at your picture up in my wall
And I can't help but to remember
The time you first came to my life
That one cold autumn's night in September.
You were only 16 at the time
And I think I was only three
I had no older siblings to look up to
But you were always there to look out for me.
I remember everything we did
All the words you said
All the laughter you brought
And all the joy you spread.
I still don't understand
How we grew apart
I thought you'd always be there for me
Ever since the start.
Things turned completely different
As time went on without us
My life was no longer the same
Without you to shine some love.
I ignored your every word
And hurt you really bad
I made you get out of my life
And because of it, I feel really sad.
Years passed and I moved on without you
You were no longer a part of me
My goals and dreams were met
And I knew I'd forever be happy; or so I thought I'd be.
Now that I look back to my past
I realized that there's something missing
My dreams didn't just fall into place on their own
There must have been someone helping me.
But before I got the chance to thank you
It was already too late
The disease that grew in your blood
Is what took you away.
Now all I feel is hate
Hate for treating you the way I did
When I should have just appreciated you
Ever since I was just a little kid.
But now how can I let you know?
This will keep haunting me for all my life!
I wish I had at least one more day
To do things right this time.
But I don't know if you can hear me
Or even listen to what I have to say
I just wanted to apologize for hurting you
Even if it's already too late.

*Written: 12-19-06*


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