The Emptiness Inside

by krazi   Jan 12, 2007

I feel so empty inside like a dead corpse with no emotion and no desire. The emptiness that consumed me for over the years had eaten away my life. I had tried to fill it with love yet in turn it only make it worst. It seem that nothing in life excite me anymore. Sometime I just black out and see the world as a vast space fill with nothing only darkness like the night. I often wonder what is my purpose for being here. Am I here only to take up space or is there another reason. What ever that reason is I don't think that I am meant for it. I'm heading down the road to destruction destroying everything in my path and taking everyone along with me for a ride to hell to be burn in the fire for eternity. Some may say I"m sadist others might think they know how I feel but no one truly understand what's it's like to wake up day after day feeling empty and hopeless. I'm at a turning point in my life where I can just snap and when on a rampage killing everyone around me for no reason or just to see them cry out in pain screaming why. Whatever the reason is I know I won't enjoy it since nothing ever excite me anymore.


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