Dear Amelia

by Willow   Jan 13, 2007


Dear Amelia,
I hope you can forgive me,
For hurting myself last night.
One day you will finally see,
What makes it seem so right.
I know you're scared I'll go too far,
But i don't have the heart for that.
I want you to know there is too much to leave,
And i won't be found dead on the mat.
I have made you cry so many times,
Because of all my pain.
You have listened to all my whines,
And watched my tears rain.
To let you know every detail of my life,
Would hurt you beyond repair.
And to let you know every time I used the knife,
Would cause pain neither of us would understand.
To tell you what exactly happened with Nathan,
Would bring back memories not wanted.
It would make me cry to much,
And my nightmares will again be haunted.
One day i will stop cutting my wrists,
And won't need to feel my blood run free.
But till then, try to ignore my emotional twists,
And try to pretend I'm the normal me.
Love Willow xxoo


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  • Willow Ur Poems Are AMAZING i wish i could express how i feelt , but i just cant MY LIFE IS Screwed JESSE DONT WANT ME NO MORE , what will i do with out him , he actully made me feel like i belonged somewhere :( .. well ill always be ur friend no matter what , and remember u can talk to me wheneva u want i love you willow Mwahh! xoxox Love Brooke P.s Seeyya In Class lolz

  • 17 years ago

    by Mark Harris

    LOVE IT!!! This is the exact thing I try to achieve, something creative and new! A letter, didn't think of that one... But at the same time the content of the poem is at its best. Keep it up! xo