One By One

by Avrii Monrielle   Jan 15, 2007

She smiled, she sang
Her heart was light;
She was as bright as the sunshine
She wasn't in fright

Her voice riveted eagerly
As she remembered the words
For once, she seemed happy
To finally be heard

Her cheeks were rosy
Her laugh was warm
Protected here, safely
She wasn't in harm

She prayed with her hands
Together, in place
Gave money for offering
A glow on her face

The light from the window
Slowly focused on her
I wondered if I should know
Why she no longer was hurt?

Through the songs, her one voice
Lighted up the room
With making a choice
To be here 'till noon

I didn't have my glasses
To read the words
But I think I saw the same thing
Everyone else heard

Next to me, I saw
This girl, whose heart was raw
Sing with all her might
And capture the light

Oh, it was a picture
Of utmost splendour
As her gaze shifted back,

She was so different
From what I saw before
Here she was, in purity
An angel once more

She said she was Catholic
Barely ever went to church
And here she was, singing
So sweet it almost hurt

Here she was, dressed different
Yet, more beautiful than before
God made her perfect
As we walked through the door

Almost tripping on her mom's 'heels
It didn't seem that real
That she would be the one to feel
The amazing love of God

~Dedicated to KZ~


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