Have You

by Cathy   Jan 19, 2007

Have you ever loved someone more than life itself
that person is everything you can't live without
do you breath for that person each day that pass
do you pray to god that your love would last
well I love someone more than life itself
he means more to me that anything else
I love him with every single beat in my heart
I would do anything to keep us from falling apart
I pray to god each and everyday
that he will always be here, that he will always stay


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  • 17 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    I really liked your poem and the words were well placed and well put. I look forward to reading more of your works this year, both new ones and ones you already have listed on the site… Keep up the good writes.

  • 17 years ago

    by ephemera

    Hey Cathy,

    I really liked this a lot. Its short and sweet and I think that's how most people feel when they are in love. I know I have felt that way and you captured my feelings entirely.


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