Blackest Rose

by snoweyes   Jan 25, 2007

On a night so starry
I felt you leave me
The moon shone
through the black tears
I knelt through the darkness
as i mourned for you
The shining diamonds in the sky
seemed to joke and mock me
They glittered with a fire
i knew i had no more
I looked down at the black rose
the last one you gave me.
I looked down at that black rose
and heard your soul flee.
i wanted to hurt you
for doing this to me
giving me a black rose
blacker than your heart
It is the blackest rose
that I have have ever seen
It is a black rose
dark black with a lost sheen
I fill myself with hatred
as i look at that bloom
The velvet petals
going blacker still
I wish you a rose
the blackest rose still there
It will find you
and the thorn will tell you
i am still here.


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