The Search Is Over

by For The Heart I Once Had   Feb 5, 2007

Finally my search is over,
I've found what I've been looking for.
Never thought it would be like this,
Never thought it could have been you.

I used to dream of this, of us.
But now reality has become better than a dream;
Because your by my side,
Forever to stay.

I've finally got someone I can count on to be there,
To help me up when I'm down,
To cry when I cry,
To laugh when I laugh.

All because of you,
My life has turned the other way.
For better, for worse,
This is all down to you.

- a true story about someone very special to me


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  • 17 years ago

    by For The Heart I Once Had

    Hey i wrote this about my boyfriend cause he means so much to me and he helped me through alot of stuff i went through!! please leave a comment of what you think - nothing too harsh please!! 'preciate it if you do!!

    living deal soul x