True Connection Kept Secret

by The Nameless Poet   Feb 8, 2007

Yo, see I was hoping you were the one to be forever in my life and,
Become so much more than just a friend but that wasn’t happening,
I took to much time getting to know you and gaining your trust,
Gaining your love, but feeling your love threw lust wasn’t really a must,
But I must confess I was hoping you’d see what I was trying do,
I was trying to connect a deeper connection between me and you,
To bad all you saw was a man only interested in having only a friendship,
Not knowing the truth was just as you felt but unable to tell my intentions,
Which were exactly as I stated on the 3rd line above this one,
So the love we have is concealed cause we both came up with the same assumption,
Preventing the chance of ever revealing the true feelings we both have,
For one another locked deep inside hidden from each other’s grasp,
So this love is kept secret but in some way I know you can see,
The love I have for you just as I can see the love you got for me,
But yet and still we move on with our lives being best friends,
In the arms of some one who doesn’t share our same connections,
Flirting in childish acts like pushes and shoves while walking,
Or having playful little arguments when were joyfully talking,
I realize now all the little hidden messages you send in your words,
If only I caught them sooner, at the time the only messages I herd
Were you telling me how much you care and love me as friend,
But really you were telling me how you really felt until the end,
If the hands of time re-winded and took me back 3 years,
I’d do things differently knowing in three years we’d end up here
If I hesitated again, preventing what’s happening now from ever happening,
But if this is the way things are, then that’s just the way it has to be,
For now anyways I know one day I’ll have you again where you ought to be,
And that’s you in my arms and me on the opposite side of your kisses,
Two halves joined to make one true connection the day were pronounced Mr. And Mrs.
And that’s not where its finished but I don’t like thinking ahead,
Cause it might not turn out the way I'm thinking but maybe instead,
Turn out exactly opposite and you stay in the arms of who you have now,
If that’s a possibility than hell with waiting I’m making my move now.


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