A Frustrated Love Affair

by Batscout   Feb 26, 2007

Mucous is spilling from my nose
I can't smell dinner, wine or rose
My ears are under pressure and I can't hear well
Why bother with music or TV, you need to yell
A fishbowl is my world, I'm looking out
Things move with distortion, is that a rainbow trout?

I can't think, I can't talk, I can't cry, I can't walk
My throat is scratchy, itchy, swollen and sore
No Yesterday, gone in sleep and snore
Coughing racks my frame
A most symptomatic head game
My feet are like lead; teeth, eyes, cheeks in pain
No energy, no life, yet I keep trying in vain

Such symptoms are nonexistent aside my heart
It's cracked if not broken its chain mail split apart
For fear and angst, anger and pain
Drove this poet to hurt her lover, her mate
He is my horizon, my wake, my bow and stern
Where I'm going, all that I've known and learned
All I've craved and wanted, my future with him

But so long I've waited for that future to begin
I became irrational and desperate, it was my sin
I so wanted us to make a clean start
Away from his girl george, her life apart
A whole year has passed without steps toward me
I felt he was sacrificing us just to let her be

So little pressure did it seem he would bear on her
To get things done, move them along, even confer
He was afraid to have monkeys around me
Or bring nigh, talk of rockstar, their not free
Tents are out, Ashland's poison, can't stay the night
His voice shakes as he tells her of my plight

She mustn't be mussed, she mustn't be disturbed
She can't be distressed, that was all I heard
Monkeys are hers, he just visits at the zoo
Don't bring rock star, it makes me so blue
Dividing the Snider was the best for them
But she didn't try just damned and condemned

Me? I saw troubles ahead for me but him more.
It upset me so badly I stomped on the floor
I slammed down the phone, cried and plead
"No", he said, "you'd getter gently tread".
I lost control of myself, went crazy, was brass.
Insulted, was mean, acted like an ass.

I shouldn't have gotten so in the way
I made him feel terrible, I went so astray
I'm so sorry baby, please forgive me
I fall down before you, down on my knee
Do what is right, even if it hurts me
I'll find my way, understand, agree

Just please my love please do the filing
One whole year gone, I'm no longer smiling
My gut so twisted, my heart so pained
Head pounding, eyes swollen, tear ducts drained
I'm afraid, I'm scared, I need you so
You must be a free man, if our love is to grow

This poem, if you will, was written so quick
Forgive me the choppiness, the rhyme so sick
I needed an outlet and this one I found
Sorry if it does nothing but confuse and confound


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