Women are grotesque

by KAP DAR   Mar 12, 2007

Throughout the ages
men have been mislead
taken advantage of by women
Do women not understand
that man rules this earth under God

Women's views are skewed
when it comes to how the world works
Why If their was no sex appeal
a women would be reduced
to nothing but to procreate
to lacktate as cows do

It is impossible for women to think clear
about how the world works
War, death, sacrifice and personal gain
all are undermined by the ideology of women
fact is I can not truly understand the absolute crazy shit women have going on
hearing them talk makes me sick
because I am different is a valid argument

BTW... women are destroying the forest. just look how many tree's are cut
in the creation of all that damn toilet paper
its grotesk and repulsively distorted
from what i can understand


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lori Lee

    What? women are very beautiful creatures and everybody needs a mama. lol. and there are some very intellegent women. smarter than most men. and it's men who don't understand how important women are. women are underapreciated, cheated on, used for sex, beaten, raped. but aside from all that, I like your sh**. idk, something about it makes me wanna keep reading it. I mean even though I don't agree with this, like idk, it interests me. I guess cuz I've never heard anything like this. but I like it....for some reason. you're writing is very unique. 5/5