Final Letter

by XxLonelyLovexX   Mar 14, 2007

They fought and fought
until they couldn't take it anymore
they knew they loved each other
but everything just seem to go out the door

finally they broke it off
and left each other with a sigh
not knowing that this night
would be their final goodbye

they both went home and thought it over
and waited for a call
but when neither got one
they knew it was actually over, after all

the boy just decided to write a note
and talk it over the next day
but the girl couldn't take it
she had been hurting anyway

she finally went and laid to rest
but couldn't go to sleep
all she could do is think about him
as she started to weep

she finally got up to write a final goodbye
for she knew it had to end
not that her world was gone
and that her love was now just a friend

the next mourning
her parents found her there
lying on her desk
with a her blood every where

they didn't know exactly what to do
for there little girl was gone away
because of all the pain she
had experienced in one day

a week later they called the boy
for they had found her letter
and wish for him to have it
so he would understand better

the boy finally got the strength
to come and read
the thoughts that were held in
up until her final deed

this letter read:

"I realize now
that we just aren't meant to be
so i am leaving now
so you can be happy
I will never love anyone
else as much as i do you
so remember that forever
no matter what i do
it is not your fault
just so you know
it is my own
for not being strong enough to let go
since my love for you
is forever lasting
i just cant see myself
living with out us being together
because when i told you my love is true
i meant it forever
so i sign this now
with a kiss goodbye
so please my love
do not cry
it is for the best
and you will realize it, at last
my life is nothing
with our love in the past
and i just can't take it anymore
so please understand
and remember me forever more...."


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