I've learned...

by pennylane   Mar 15, 2007

15. 15 years of living.
you live and what do you have to show for it?
you have everything that you learned. everything that life has shown you.
me, 15, life has shown me a lot, maybe to much, and i keep learning.
because of the life I've lived, I've learned.

I've learned that people arrant always who they say they are.
I've learned that your best friend can become a person you cant stand in a matter of days.
I've learned that life isn't as easy as it seems.
I've learned that the people you love will hurt you, but you have to see who's worth the pain.
I've learned that I'm not prefect, and its OK.
I've learned that your family doesn't nassally have the same DNA as you.
I've learned that not all friends are forever.
I've learned that life is a party, don't ruining it with substances.
I've learned that your life can change with just a few words.
I've learned the value of a true friend.
I've learned that just cuz life is hard, doesn't mean you wont get through it.
I've learned that you have to over look the flaws in someone in order to keep them.
I've learned that we are only as strong as we let our selves be.
I've learned that friends are your real family.
I've learned that people change, not always for the best.
I've learned that i have what it takes to step up when it has to be done.
I've learned that in doing the right thing, you can loose a lot of great people.
I've learned that people who you thought were gonna be there to catch you when you fall end up being the ones who pushed you.
I've learned that i can make it.
I've learned that if I'm not OK with something, i can change it, simple as that.
I've learned that life is NOT always fair.
I've learned not to back down when i know I'm right.
I've learned that its worth the fight.
I've learned that you really do have to take the good with the bad.
I've learned that life is about compromise.
I've learned that life is about change.
I've learned that its OK to be mad, or sad, or happy, or whatever.
I've learned not to bottle it all up.
I've learned that talking about it doesn't help, unless you talk to the right people.
I've learned that just cuz there far, doesn't mean you love them analysis.
I've learned that eventually, its worth it, whatever it is.


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