My Word of Everday(Never)

by LostLikeTearsInRain   Mar 21, 2007

Today I cry
But that's nothing new
Do you really hate me?
Could this be true?

Why though?
What did I do?
Did I hurt you?
I NEVER wanted to

You are everything to me
Nothing changes that
Not you nor I
And especially not this guy Matt

He's just another boy
He could never love you like I can
Or do you not see how much I love you?
I guess you just don't understand

You are like a queen to me
I worship the air you breathe
So please don't go
NEVER leave

You still haven't said "Goodbye"
That fowl disgusting word
So until then, nothing else matters
Not anything else I've heard

Making me smile
Used to be your game plan
I remember those days
You were my biggest fan

But now look at what has happened
We've gone our separate ways
And since that terrible moment
I have yet to live in the happy days

Storm clouds hover over my aching head
Just like in a corny cartoon
I'm drowning, so throw me a life vest
And please make it soon

I'm sinking out here
All alone
I've got a season pass
To a night by the phone

NEVER do I hear it ring
NEVER do I hear your pretty voice sing
NEVER do my storm clouds go away
"NEVER" has become my word of everyday

------------------------To P.G.--------------------------


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  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    :( its good but so sad, this person obv meant the world to you and its so sad to see you write this xxxxxxxx