Would You Love Me Too?

by LostLikeTearsInRain   Mar 22, 2007

I can only hope that sleep
Will ease the pain away
And I can pray
For tomorrow to be a better day

I think to myself
You're the most beautiful girl in school
If not the entire world
But people just take me for a fool

I caught myself thinking this
When I saw you walking away
After school to your bus
Just like every other day

The funny thing was
I was looking at the back of your head
I wasn't even staring at your face
With embarrassment, my cheeks turned red

It's wrong of me to say
That you simply were "walking away"
Because I swear you were gliding in the air
But all I could do was gape and stare

I wonder if my poetry flatters you
Just like when it used to
It seems so long ago does it not?
The last time you smiled followed by the last time we fought

But that's what we do
We fight
We fight for our love
We fight to make things right

And if that's the only thing
That we ever do
I'd still love you
But would you love me too?

(Her answer is "No")

-----------------------To P.G.--------------------------


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  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow thats excellent well written xxxxxxx