My mum is a fallen angel

by Emily   Mar 26, 2007

I have never known anyone to be so strong,
If you looked in her eyes you would think nothing wrong,
Some people say I have the best mum,
And its true she is so carefree and fun,
I cant believe you have gotten yourself through,
After everything dad did to you,
Its like you're an angel fallen from the sky above,
You're the only mother ill ever know an love,

I'm so proud to call you my mum and best friend,
I hope that our friendship will never end,
You are so special to me and so many others,
I'm so glad that you're my mother,
Sometimes I wish you were right here to hug,
And I miss having you round to bug,
We don't see each other very much at all,
But your wise words still make me stand tall,

I hope you realize how much I love you,
And that all the things you have taught me will,
See me through,
And I wait each day for you too call,
Cause I love talking to a fallen angel.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Aww thats sooo cute, its a shame you cant see her much but this poem is very good xxxxxx