Go Back

by Aly   Apr 9, 2007

And she'd do anything to go back where everything was fun
And not where she is now thinking of her gun
What to do should she run?
They want to hospitalize her, but she turns away
Scared of all the pain
She will feel inside day by day
As she pushes the thoughts away
It just makes it harder for her to stay sane
People say its for attention
And makes it harder to get better
NO ONE will ever know the hurt that she will always feel
Even though she's trying to pretend it's not real
It makes it even worse
As if someone dared her to be so HOPELESS,ALONE, and SCARED.
She only wants to go back where she won't cry
And only hurt SO BAD inside
Nothing seems to take away all this pain
Besides her TRUE best friend
Her beautiful razor blade, her only way to mend
Suicide thoughts & hurtful attempts
Is the most painful thing that runs through her head
She asks everyday when will it all go away
But then that day came
When she took her life away
Once they found her body
She knew that everything was going to be OK


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  • 15 years ago

    by DeepSoul

    This poem has a lot of emotion and thought into it. I'm so sorry if you are feeling like suicide is the only way out. I can tell you right now, it's not. I used to be that way, but my friend told me something that I was upset to hear, but it was true and it actually helped. She said that suicide is so selfish. If I truely loved my friends and family, I wouldn't hurt them like that and leave them behind to pick up the pieces of my broken life. I could never bring myself to do that to them. I love them too much. There are people who love you, please don't leave them to pick up the pieces.