Lovegizer Batteries

by steel99   Apr 17, 2007

What great powers, do mankind desire? If an irregular self-image is present, what differences are pardoned? Is there a greater father above watching over our levels of power? If so where is the mother? The only power created by humans is Love. My life is generated and controlled by Lovegizer energy. Turn off my power and examine my source of energy. Remove my superficial costume image. Pull back my hair and observe my strands of knowledge. Release the screws that mobilize my being. My lovegizer beams on. Disassemble my social arms that control my every movement. Criticize my poster; my flaws and damages life has caused me. I am nothing but a toy of amusement. As I am bare and natural, engage as I entertain you. Forgive my shortcomings of completions for I am only doing what I am programmed to do. Onyx stones resemble my eyes but they're mere plastic. So therefore my vision is no good. My energy is still absolute. Every smile supplies radiant energy through my steel bones. The steel ribs are my fences of protection. Remove my barricade of steel. Your eyes are enticed by the sight of subtle creativity. Your manual instructions entail an inner figure but it doesn't reference my model design. My emblem represents love. For I have evolved into my own concept. The special beings in my existence have provided stunning courage for me. I am not afraid. No longer will a switch control my praises. I am super in great proportion. If you try and stop me my beams will taint you. Forever is waiting. The past is hurried with every blink. Come with me. Take my intellectual hand. Together we all will be what I have become. Powered by one source we will become one. Evolution is greater with action. I am blind in sight I only feel your presence and emotions. I will provide you with essentials to power up. Love is stronger than pride. I am your love angel. I am legal energy! Powered by Lovegizer batteries!!!!****


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  • 17 years ago

    by Laura

    Very unique and original but very well written!
    you have captured the spirit of love in this write and I can really relate.

  • 17 years ago

    by Natalie84

    This is my favorite! I think you're writing is beginning to show your softer side. The first love poem was dead on point...but this one over rules ALL! This one is beyond words! I like this!!!! No I LOVE this!!!!!!!!!!!! As you said of mine...THIS IS YOU! People are going to fall in love with you here. You're 28 for goodness did you NOT know of this greatness years ago??? You know anger and pain can produce some of the best writes...HAHAHAHA You should have been writing during your baby mama drama...DAMN! I would have loved to read some of those!! :) I'm kidding but I'm serious. Nice write Mr. I