
by XxCutSoDeepxX   May 1, 2007

She is all alone no one
here to hold her hand
if when she is scared
or even down where

is everyone i cant
believe they all gone
left her they are all
gone and no one is

coming for her ever
but not everyone is
gone I'm here don't be
scared I'm here to help

you I'm not like everyone
else they are all gone and
not ever coming back for
you so ill stay here forever

with you ill never leave you
ill wipe away your tears when
you cry ill take that blade away
when you want to use it to hurt

yourself ill hold you when your
cold and scared so don't run
away don't be like the others
stay here with me like i did

with you don't you see everyone
is gone and they arn't coming back
they don't love you no more but
i do i save you one day just hold on

everyone you once loved is gone
away and you will never see them
again i wont be gone ill be here
till the very end and so are you.


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