Comments : God Is....

  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    *Appaluse* that was beauifully written, the word choice can only be described as elogant, and the flow was near perfect. and the message was brillantly done. A materpeice if ever i saw one. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Ohh its true....GOD is really great!

    what is the true meaning of life and where does it reside?
    .... i love that line, coz i really think me so much of that quesiton..

    .. its truly GOD is simply and very powerful,, i love the message of this poem and i think it has a great dedication to all readers on this site or everyone! coz it really have a good way how to express and signify about our god creator.. excellent work and keep on writing like this kinda very inspiring poet... love it5/5

  • Good poem.
    The flow was excellent and your word choices were great.

    'The truest God is perfect like we all can come to be,
    for if you really understood life, you will see that God is simply you and me.'

    Beautiful 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    This is very deep! very powerful! excellent work! flow was good! good choice of words! good job!

  • 17 years ago

    by xxSnow Angelxx

    Excellent poem...
    ''The truest God is perfect like we all can come to be,
    for if you really understood life, you will see that God is simply you and me.''
    Wonderful lines..powerful truths stated thru the poem in a powerful manner!...Great choice of words..
    kp it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by christina

    I luved it!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by xxxStarSxxx

    "The truest God is perfect like we all can come to be,
    for if you really understood life, you will see that God is simply you and me." That is my favorite line. Love it! Again, amazingly written!

  • 16 years ago

    by Romancing the Darker Side

    I like the almost ironic twist at the end. Very nice poem and writing, but like I've said before, try working on your flow and breaking things up a bit more. Very nice poem, though.

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    "The truest God is perfect like we all can come to be,
    for if you really understood life, you will see that God is simply you and me."
    You may be on your way to being a mystic poem but you and me are not on the same page God is an all good we may accept or reject

  • 11 years ago

    by East Poetry

    A very thought provoking poem, and I must say... right up my alley. My favorite poems are poems about existence, God, the universe and deep concepts such as this poem you have written here. You bring up the idea that:

    "maybe our real salvation lasts in our very own might."

    "why should we look for God"

    "for if you really understood life, you will see that God is simply you and me."

    There is some logic in your ideals here when you say that God is simply you and me. Just as it would be true If I told you that you are simply a product of your Mom And Dad. It is their essence that created you, and you are a product of them, so theoretically you are... your Mother and Father. We are all Gods children... thus we are all a product of God. thus one could say we as life... are God.

    But... Just as you and your parents have separate bodies, inside this thing we call existance(matter) So too does God and His only begotten Son have their own bodies. What makes Christs Body so unique however is that by and through Him, we can be made perfect. Why do we need to made perfect, you may ask. Well... the simplest way to put it would be to read my poem "oneness". A more complex way to put it would be to read my poem "put within it all". And... to expand on it even further... read my poem "existence is a bead of light"
    I will tell you that God and Jesus both exist, and they are two separate intelligences. And through and by them... the great drama of existencs could be playe out. We are all God int he making! for just as your parents want you to exel to their hieght and beyond. So too do our Heavenly parents. God Bless