Marc Ortiz

About Marc Ortiz

Heya, I'm Marc Marvin D. Ortiz :) Heritage: Filipino
Currently living in England.

I really appreciate it if you comment my poems, I always return the favor.

Profile of Marc Ortiz

  • Age : 31
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : UK
  • Joined : Feb 13, 2007
  • Last Visit : 11 months ago
  • Poems : 68
  • Comments : 882
  • Quotes : 4
  • Posts : 3013
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Marc Ortiz

  • The flowers are returning to its former glory,
    As the birds are singing at the top of their...

  • One of my favourite toy when I was young,
    Was a wind-up little drummer boy...

  • When you hear your favourite song play,
    What emotion does your heart feel...

  • If there is one wish that would be granted in my...
    It would be that I can re-write the script in this...

  • Whenever I gaze at the sea, it reminds me of love.
    Because it is like walking into the ocean, looking...

Latest Quotes By Marc Ortiz

  • Friends are rewards, the more you do good, the more friends you can have. Now I'm wondering because even though I'm not that good I still have the best reward. You! :)

    Not mine.

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • Loving someone means you only want the best for her even if it means swallowing the sad reality that the best just isn't you.

    Not mine. Just want to share it.

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • If you love someone but your someone loves someone else, still be the same someone as before because time will come when your someone will realize that you are not just someone but instead, you're the one.

    Not Mine. Just want to share it.

    16 years ago
    0 0

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