Sunrise To Sunset

by Beautiful Chaos   May 15, 2007

Everyday I try my best,
To walk a steady road,
To lift my head up to the sun,
While carrying my load.

I feel the breeze across my skin,
Thankful I'm alive,
Pain does hurt, but that's okay,
I know I will survive.

For each scar upon my soul,
I write of beauty found,
Within this world, inside my mind,
Both intriguing and profound.

There's nothing that I would not do,
Sunrise to sunset,
To make myself a better person,
And live without regret.

Soaking in the warmth of nature,
Basking in its grace,
Time shall take away my hurt,
And leave behind no trace.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Jordan

    I must say, I did enjoy the message put forth in this poem. Life is precious, it will do no good for any of us to live and regret what we have done.

    The poem was well constructed - Good rhyme scheme, good flow....but I found that the language used was a bit uninteresting. You didn't make use of some of the english language's greater, more beautiful words in order to keep the reader interested. This is the first poem by you that I have read, so I cannot say that you never use good imagery....but this poem could use a little spicing up. (At least I think it could)

    Good job overall, though. :)


  • 17 years ago

    by I Seem to be the Heartless

    Fantastic poem. Such a powerful message too. Great job!! 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    A wonderful message to always live your life without regrets. Wonderful Job and very inspiring.


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