My Sweet Brandi

by Lanie Blackmon   May 16, 2007

Brandi Has gone to Rainbow Bridge


A bundle of fur was given to me
and this bundle had touched my heart.
I couldn't believe that she was all mine,
I'll name her Brandi, that was a start.

As the months went by so fast
and seeing Brandi grow each day.
She was so happy, funny and beautiful
I wouldn't of wanted it any other way.

The months went by, then became years for us
and soon Brandi was 6 years old.
Then that terrible day came for us,
"It's Lymphoma Cancer", we both were told.

My life & Ron's life changed that day
it was on August 18, 2005.
I told Ron and we both agreed,
we'll do anything to keep Brandi alive.

So we started Brandi on Chemo treatments
8 months of her in full remission.
Brandi has been such a trooper through this,
Now the cancer's back without permission.

Four times she came out of remission
Four times my heart grew sad.
Then my emotions started to flow inside,
first sadness, anger, now mad.

Mad at the fact we did our best
to give Brandi the best of care.
Now she is gone and has left us,
I'm feeling nothing but sad sad despair.

Brandi was such a beautiful girl
with a gentle soul and a huge heart.
And now she has gone to Rainbow Bridge,
and my heart now is torn apart.

I am so blessed that Brandi was mine
how she always had made us smile.
I know my heart cries for Brandi now,
and my broken heart will hurt for a while.

So My Brandi Girl, you already know
that I'm missing you oh so much.
And the worst time for me is the nighttime,
when I can't hug you and feel your touch.

You touching your paw by hitting my arm
for me to rub you or your pretty face.
You came into the world with dignity,
and you left this world with such grace.

Until we see each other again
Thank you for giving me 6 years of Joy.
And when I'm sad and think of you girl,
I'll just hug your favorite Frisbee toy.

Farewell My Sweet Brandi Girl
Be a star and shine down on me.
Forever in our hearts, forever in our souls
Thats where My Brandi will always be.


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  • 17 years ago

    by dyingxpassion

    This one made me cry too
    awsume poem thoo