Razorblade Kiss

by Beautiful Chaos   May 17, 2007

Cut to the bone,
Drowning in rage,
Feel like an animal,
Trapped in a cage.

Brutality spreading,
World turning vicious,
A look deep inside,
When feeling ambitious.

Razorblade kisses,
Fall to my skin,
Ripping to pieces,
Pain held within.

Sharp biting words,
Remembered forever,
Child to adulthood,
A wounding endeavor.

Bitter is fading,
Calm setting in,
Back to the real world,
Back in your skin.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    I usually do not like the self harm poetry. I had to search for a poem of yours that I hadn't already commented on and came across this one. I am so glad now that I read it. I enjoyed it tremendously and this was a pleasure to read. You have so much talent that I am constantly left in awe of it. Wonderful Job,


  • 17 years ago


    WOW! I didn't even want to read this because of the title and I knew it would have something to do with self harm, but I am glad I never judged this poem by the title. The lines in the stanzas are very short, yet have the same amount of depth and emotion to them as a longer stanza could. It wasn't as cliched as some cutting poetry, and you expressed your feelings in a mature manner, not just stating the blood and the razorblade, but adding a story in as well. Anyways, this was a really good poem, Darling; keep it up! =]]


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