Worn out

by Beautiful Chaos   May 17, 2007

In a grassy tomb it lays
Worn by age
Tossed aside

No longer useful
It is forgotten

Perchance a child happens by
Full of imagination
A desire for fun
Again resurrecting it

This old tire
Once useless
Newly discovered

Embraced by youth
Such innocence
Swinging in the breeze
Surrounded by laughter
Sweet and pure


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  • 17 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    I found it hard to believe I haven't already commented on this. I remembered reading it before. Great Job on this, and my goodness dear lady you have brought back some memories, as you have a tendency to do so with your writing. I loved the flow and the style of this. An era gone by. Wonderful Write.


  • 17 years ago

    by Sherry Lynn

    Awww, the sweet memories of the great tire swing. I really need to set one up for my young lads. Hopefully it will bring them as many, or more, fond moments that I experienced.

    The poem is a great tribute to the youths of many. The only this I would change is the word "Perchance", I would actually break it up into two words so it is easier for the reader. Per chance is often less straining on the eyes and leaves the impact that you desire.

    Great message and thanks again for reminding me of my youthful days once again.


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