The New Addiction[song]

by Cassedega   May 20, 2007

You look at me and say
"Man,I wanna be just like her."
Because of how much I smile and happy I look
Yet what you don't know. Inside I'm just like you
Feeling the same as you
Yet it seems

[Chorus] I'm The latest fad
the new addiction
Everything Your not but wanna be
but you never never look inside
to see
that I'm just the same as you
but I'm still the latest fad
the new addiction

I don't Get it you look up to me as an idol
Thinking I'm something special
Yet I'm not
I'm the same as all the rest


It seems like I'm
The New Addiction
The Latest Fad
The New Drug
Everyone love me
I don't get how,
I'm just like you.
The new love
the new overused phrase
the new cliche
the new emo band
the new you.

I'm The latest fad
the new addiction
Everything Your not but wanna b
but you never never look inside
to see
the real me
the one who thinks the same as you
cries the same,
bleeds the same
breathes the same
lives the same
heh,guess you'd say I'm like the rest of them emo kids. So 'non-conforming'
Giving in to all the cliches.


I'm the latest
the newest addiction
The latest cliche and like all the res


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