His Excellency s Headsman

by Elizabeth Ann   May 21, 2007

Part 1

I moved with contested mirth through the audience where aloft my boredom rested. The nobles entrant was slaked of every finery best imagined, crediting those artists absent tonight like every night.

Appreciation swooned under wine s content, broken of decent snobbery arranged just so our haughty crests. A diamond transparent, dressed amounting to greatness appropriates, the world leveled for mine eye aggrieved by latent envy. I was received by such generous hosts befitting of my title, then bowed and greeted along less flourished nerves. Soon my eyes were drilled to modern contempt and privileged drivel, swindling from left to right when designed.

The familiar contagion was upon me, recognizing with deft approach my disguise. My mask vibrated along with my gut, swearing however I did pass. His Excellency provided my comforts and indulged this weary traveler s whims, so much I was inclined by those weaknesses I could not accept.

*I was Juniper, demon extraordinaire, and every seed I bed canted Hell!*

(The brew reaping my degradation appalled my ancient minister. Back then when my wily abandon fashioned, luring every bond toward slathering completion. Ever was when I could help myself and stand no guard but my own. Then left of my conviction I was turned unto ambition, candid in my emblematic reproach. Dredged of this new sire I ve further regressed; sworn to truss his image after mine.)

For my depreciation I have risen beyond his mere henchman. As full Headsman I m tarnished in full decorum, bled of my sympathy and resolution. The walls disappear when he sends for me, and every measure of violence escalates for my quarry.

My mind returned to the present, and though my eyes still pulsed with their fatale nuisance I depressed my feral need for blood. I felt the eyes of my master as they bore into me, and as I turned I scowled. His smile proceeded to twist into his disreputable cruelty, and I knew that to challenge him so publicly I would lose more than I bargained for. He would most likely advance me to Assassin. The very thought sent shivers down my spine.


The ceremony was over, and yet I could still see it so clearly. Every time I closed my eyes it was murder. Flagging what was once my supper it tasted of sludge and foul. My companions shadowed me everywhere finding comfort in our strange kinship. I looked between them observing their features, which made them easily identifiable. There was a Devout; come without a disclaimer to the spirits he worshipped. I related him to the Aztecs, a most misguided people in their prayer. There were several reputable Changelings whom fancied using their strength to conniving ends; our proud board of Machiavellians who enjoyed snickering at the fetid scent of mortals. Then there were the Warlocks and Night Breed of high standing. It was a colorfully, black array sworn to one attainment, the monopoly of the worlds. It was a deviously clever plan, I had to admit, but I alone seemed to believe the feat would take many more miracles than all of our strange powers combined. I knew that to share my concerns, or more accurately, my thoughts, with my so called companions it would appear as an act of treason and I would be disbanded; and disbanded in their heads was not something I intended to endure. I remained careful for at least as long as it took me to devise my careful escape and necessary refuge.

(Escape and refuge, that led to another problem. How many of my previous soldiers remained? Did chaos break out when I left? I could only guess from here. To scry would provoke unwanted attention. It had already been 10 years, was there even anything to go back to?)


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