Life Isn't Handed On a Plate

by Kathryn H   Apr 18, 2004

You may not believe in me, but i believe in you. you try to set the seas and cry saying "please". this life isn't just going to hand over whatever you want. you can't get everything you need by begging. you are pleading and you aren't succeeding. life isn't handed to you on a plate. you have to take this life by hand and ride it as well as you can. you complain when things aren't going your way. things don't always go as they planned. you have to keep on going and try to do the best you can. don't try to forget everything by taking pills and shooting heroine for thrills. it isn't worth it. you have to clean up the mess you've made and do the best you can. i know its gonna take a while but while you are here do it while you can. life is short and don't waste it by being emotional over nothing. stuck it up and go for anything your heart desires. make sure what you desire is what is good for us all and not ruin what you have planned.


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