Comments : The Shopping Cart

  • Your a Genius If I Were a Publishing Company I Would Beg To Have You Aboard....I Think You Were Born With a Pen In Your Hand...Your Naturally Talented And I Pray One Day I Can Obtain The Level Of Talent You've Achieved
    xoxo-Nikki-xoxo 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by mrsmoore

    I really didn't understand this one. i mean i get where your going, just a little bumpy to actually understand how you got there.

  • 16 years ago

    by Mark Spencer

    It's really very simple Jennifer. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If a person is too lazy to put his shopping cart in one of the caddies, located all over the parking lot, he's revealing that he's too lazy to do the right thing. The right thing being, to put things in their proper place, once we are finished using them; even if that means inconveniencing ourselves a little. Instead, the man leaves the cart in the parking space next to his car. When his space is filled by another car, after he vacates, and the only free space left is the one his shopping cart occupies, the person who wants to park there must exit her car, and push the discarded cart out of the way. Rather than inconveniencing himself, the man inconveniences the woman who pushes his cart out of the way. That is not doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. We are all in this world together. Don't you think it's about time we started acting like it? If we can't do it with something so simple as a shopping cart, how do you think we'll fair when we really have to put out? That's what this poem is about. God bless.
