My best friend

by Xx trying to be strong but only just holding onxX   May 29, 2007

Well as the friendships are falling apart slowly,
other people mite not think the same,
but i think that maybe it is,

lost with thoughts,
and feelings,

thinking that I'm going to loose my best friend,
over this space thing,

i am understanding this space thing,
but i don't no if i can sit and wait,
for her to talk to me again,

i have done it once and it made me really upset,
i no that she was upset to,

but not being able to talk to her,
is really killing me inside,

i don't want to loose her as a friend.. as my best friend,
cos i care about her to much,

and loving her like a sister,
she is a sister that i never really had,

lost with the feelings and thoughts,
on not knowing what to do,

or how long the space is going to last,
but i no that if she has space from me again,

that I'm not going to be here waiting 4 her to come back to talking to me and being my best friend again,

i no that we will always be best friends,
but how much longer am i meant to wait till we are ok again,

in not knowing what i did to get this space ... dropped on me again,
in tears every night hoping that we will be friends again when i wake up ...

feeling scared inside thinking that maybe we want be friends again... but I'm not going to go there cos if i do maybe it will happen and i don't want that to happen...

this is about.. willow and our friendship....


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  • 16 years ago

    by XxWorthlessxX

    Aweuhh. this is a great poem, although very sad. amazing job. 5/5


  • 16 years ago

    by Willow

    Its not just me that thinks ur self centered. ask alot of other people....

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