Dont hurt the ones you love

by abby   May 29, 2007

Sometimes i get so mad
just to hear the sadness in her voice
the anger bubbles up inside
and all i can hear is your voice
my mind goes crazy with questions
why her?
why me?
why you?
why hurt someone that was only defending me?
and only defending the truth?
i can take the words of hate
i can take the hits
the highs
and the lows
what i wont take is her in pain for defending me
i wont take being offended
but now i have
and someone WILL know
don't get mad at her for defending the truth
don't say you don't care for her anymore
don't lie to yourself and your heart
please don't hurt her over something that is between only two
let her be
let her alone
leave her to be happy and to have her fun
don't offend her or i
just because she finally said what was inside

-Abby gwynnedolyn skie


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