
by alina   Jun 13, 2007

Boyfriends who needs them? they just use u. tell u your beautiful and stroke your hair. then the next day go do the same thing with another girl. once they find out that they cant get any more out of u, they leave. who needs boyfriends? i don't! why try to love when in the end you'll just get your heart broken. i have my friends and family. thats all i need. they love me and i love them. there are no good loyal boyfriends in this world, and if there is then they wouldn't love me. what guy would? they would only use me for my body. they don't care about my personality. my heart is still broken from the last guy i was with. i wont make that mistake again. i wont let a guy use me again. who needs boyfriends? not me thats for suer... but then why does my heart ache to be loved. to love again.


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