My hero

by Skye x0x0x   Jun 18, 2007

I was young and I knew you cared
You were living with me
You treated me like I was a million dollars
I knew I was protected

Then you got hit
Why didn't they save you
You were loved by so many
You were doing the right thing
Walking home drunk instead of getting behind the wheel
You took the crossing not knowing what was about to happen
What was your last breath

We didn't get to say goodbye
We didn't tell you how much we loved you
Did you know how much we cared
Did you know how much we missed you

I miss you so much
I wish I got to know you heaps more
One question I asked and still do is
Why didn't they call an ambulance and drive off?
I will never forget that day
going home and you not being there
I wish you were here today to see all my achievements

I hope I have made you proud
I love you Keith
Look after Dad and Cheryl and Peter
My Uncle , My Hero

~ this poem is dedicated to anyone that has lost a family meber to a hit and run accident i think it is just like all those people who lost someone to suicide because we never get to say goodbye xoxox~


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  • 15 years ago

    by Skye x0x0x

    Naw it dosent matter who die.. animal plant or human.. eveeryone has different connections

    xx Skye