
by Shar   Jun 21, 2007

I had a best friend
Who was sweet as can be
She had a hard life
From the time she was three

All types of abuse
Was a part of her life
She wanted to be loved
That was an everyday fight

She had diseases
Bi-Polar and Depression
There were times
She did not take her medication

She married and abusive man
A drug addict too
He treated her like dirt
What was she to do?

Low self esteem
And a lot of fear
Kept her from leaving
This awful dream

She tried to function
In everyday life
No support of any kind
Kept her from feeling alive

Best friends we became
Not too long ago
Now she had the support
To help her move on

Took her some time
To express her feelings
For the fear of the past
Was gaining

Suicide was always a thought
Attempted it many times and lost
She stopped taking her pills
And got very ill

A mental hospital was in play
She did not want to be here another day
Convinced them to let her go
1 day later was the goal

I understood the pain she was in
Told her I would even try it again
Living with out her was not ok
Begged her for just one more day

I kept thinking that this was a dream
We would wake up in a happier scene
Best friends hanging out
Not planning our way out

We figured out the best way
To take our final breath
Scary it was not going to be
We agreed to have a clean death

She went home to God
I stayed here and sobbed
My best friend was gone
And I was alone

She is now at peace
No hurting, no screams
God is there
Taking good care

I miss my best friend
But know she is ok
She had it so hard
Now it has all gone away

Dedicated to my Best Friend who passed away Feb, 2006. I miss you and will always love you stinkey!!!


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  • 16 years ago

    by Tracy D Rollings

    Great poem, long but well written, you expressed your feelings for a friend very well, good job, your friend Tracy dean 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by mohamad aref numan

    It is really impressive how you feel and express your feelings.