Tell him why

by lumbete   Jun 21, 2007

Sleepless nights still by me
Now souls I do not know I cry for
Fire like pain I feel
Menacingly burning through my soul
Why this pain, why this pain I ask.

Far deep, deep within my the silence of thoughts
All that I see is a red wall
Castles of bones put to stand
How do human bones stand this tall?
Why this agony, why this agony I ask

A land of foliage reeks,
She walks through,
Once her backyard all left is the stench of human flesh
Flesh of souls that once graced this earth
A shattered neighborhood is all that remains
She walks on her mothers remains knowing not
As she thinks all is soil
A descendant of death, a child of war
A war she cannot understand but lives to pay for
Why her mother she asks why her mother

A dungeon of broken dreams
He lies at the bottom
Speaking endlessly to people who cannot speak back
Hash and whispers come from the bones
A headless soul speaks to him
You cannot see it but he can
Skeletons are all he has for warmth
Bones you may think
But not for you to understand
His father his mentor
Only his bones to his son speak
Why this pain, why this pain still you ask

Souls cry for peace
Lives cry for love
Praying to the gods we hope for a difference
For sacrifices of blood are enough
Life is priceless
Blood for power ought to be a memory distant
Why not peace you ask why not peace you ask

Dedicated to the children of war.


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