All the Way

by Paige   Jun 23, 2007

All The Way

There once was a girl named Paige,
Her fiery heart so full of rage.
With dark black hair and dark brown eyes,
She was certainly capable of any mans demise.

There once was a boy named Paul,
Who was always so directly on the ball.
With an even set mind,
He was ever so kind, but in due time, all things fine
Would end up entwined.

When these two met.
This boy, this girl,
Made quite a lovely set.
A courtship two years in the making.
Would end all because of one halves mistaking.

They loved each other endlessly,
And said to one another,
All the way;To the end with me.
They went about life carelessly
To only find that love is a beast,
A beast that procreates wounds with absolutely no mends.

In winter, Paul ran away.
Paige assumed, Hmm.i'll stay.
He did still stay but only to his own dismay.
He discovered no new way to stay with his beloved sweet Paige.

These two lovers,
These two mixed up studies of humanities,
Mutually agreed to their end.
For these two lovers,
These two lost epic souls,
Had no idea what was around the bend.

Paige had pride,
Paul had time.
She wanted to be no bride,
He wanted to say, She is completely mine.

She was moving away, far away.
Away from the one she once muttered ,I love you to.
But she did indeed love her Paul,
And after all of the separation
She felt so small, her heart only half broken.

How she wanted to stay with him.
She said, I'd leave it all in just one whim.
But this was a lie,
She was young and had so much time.

She wanted to leave, and not leave him behind.
She assumed he would not mind.
If love was true, not matter what the distance,
Unfortunately this wasn't the instance..

So one day she visited her dreaded Paul.
She did not bother to place him a call.

Surprise is a mans enemy, for he can not commit it nor remit it.
As for symmetry of the enemy,
It was all fair game.

Our tragic heroine Paige,
Put all her glory to shame.

She screamed so very loudly
To her once lover held so very proudly,
Look what you have done to me now!
She still did love him so very much,
But he did not love her no where near as such

You do not want me.
Were the first accusations,
The first salutations

For what our young wise Paul had done
He did not bare to shun.
He had only broken Paige's young heart
Half way, not fully apart.

He never told her
Leave me here. I do not love you anymore.
For this was far too simple.
The pain would've been quick, not prolonged.

She did not want to fully part from her dear sweet Paul.
But he would not give her one last fall.
Because of Paige's pride,
She would still try.

She said to her Paul, You have broken my heart, but only half way. You have caused more pain than if you had broken it all the way.

So please, break it all the way.
I do not wish to stay.
Please just break it all the way.

Until he sequestered the words, I do not want you anymore.
In that sequential order of the fore,
Paige had not had her solace before.

But until this pivotal moment,
This archetype of a moment.

Paige had suffered eons of pain.
She had had her fair share of maims.
Now It was time to put the two pieces back to one.
She had gotten what she wanted, even though it hurt her so.

For a heart only half broken
Is not fully a heart
Nor fully a heart broken.
To only have experienced half of the pain
Is in no way, a pain fully gained.

In a way, she became whole,
With her heart still graphed away from her soul.
The healing could commence.

Tired of being stuck in purgatory
She could finish with her allegory
With sweet sweet clarity
She wanted to do it the right way,
She wanted to do it
All the way.


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