What hurt the most

by Breeeezie   Jul 8, 2007

They've been together
for two years
cant talk so the only thing
that keeps them living
is the song they play in there hearts
shes wanting to die
planning her suicide day
he trys so hard to keep holding on
but he cant so he crys
he called her house
one stormy night
hello this isn't a good night to call
she said on the phone
he said no? whats wrong?
she cry ed over the phone
its my suicide night
hell's calling my name
NOO NOOOO he shouted over the phone
she hung up
he ran over to her house
broke in and searched the place
ahhh!!! he hears screaming
from the closet
he was to late
hell came down fast and sweep ed her away
what hurt the most
was seeing her eyes open
what hurt the most
was letting go
but what did kill him
was seeing her dead



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