by jennifer   Jul 20, 2007

It's like we all have done wrong
but what about the things that keep
holding us back the things we hide inside
the things we dont want anyone to see
i thought just a random thought
where would we be today if just if
it didnt happen the way it did
would you still have faith and
stand in the gap for others
or become another yes just an ordinary
nother? what happen to the days of innocence?
blamefree carefree hurtfree. everything free?
i dont blame me no more and i wont blame you,
it happened for a reason not yet known but one day you will see
that i told you it would. the wish to be a butterfly without being a
caterpiller first could it ever happen maby in a dream
or just a glance one day. thought of the day we ran we laughed
it was a day of wounder and discovery that i could never just never
but i guess this is how things go for the way we all know.


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