
by Pantala   Aug 4, 2007

Can't believe I trusted you.
Can't believe that you'd repay me this way.
All I ever did was hold you up above this rest.

You were first in my heart and first in my head.
There was no one else but you.
I gave you my whole heart but all I ever got was a piece.
Made to believe it was more than that.

But how could I have been so blind.
How could I have missed the signs,
Signs that just weren't there.

Once there was a time when you love me too,
But the past passes more quickly for you.

I was the one person to see
The one person to know and truly understand
But you never really saw that did you?

All you saw was what could have been.
All you saw was some one I used to call friend.
A sister....

But that never stopped you
And it certainly never stopped her
But it would have stopped me.

Never had I lied and
Never had I been untrue.
But I guess that never really mattered to you.
She stabbed me in the back just like you.

There was a time when I believe in you
When you were a light to my world.
A diamond in the rough

But now all I see is a pile of broken glass at my feet
That neither sparkles nor shines nor holds any light.
So when you think of me I hope you can never forget what you did.

I know right now you just don't care very much for no remorse can touch you yet.
But boy what you didn't know you'll soon come to find...

You messed with me now I'll mess with you so you never forget...
You f-u-c-k-e-d up!

I'm gonna show you what real pain is and what real love means.
I'm not just something you throw in the trash when you've decided my usefulness is done.
And I'm not just someone to take this lying down.
You're gonna remember before you ever forget what dying on the inside truly means.


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