Kiss my Deathly Heart

by grim   Aug 8, 2007

When I look to the right of me
I witness such sincerity
The things of which drowns in purity
Yet dissolves into the depths of me
I see you hold his hand
As you two embrace and stand
It's as if your love is richer than any man
As you smile and held his hand
My heart screams from my cold pit
Telling me to give up and quit
Because my passion has not been lit
Dampened tears shallows my pit
I look to the tender blue sky
Hovering among the things that I defy
Like that girl holding that guy
Beneath this tender blue sky
Their heart must be in the light
Hidden from disasters, foretelling fright
Kept away from the shadows, out of sight
Illuminated by the blinding light
When I look to the right of me
I observe such sensuality
A couple's grasp never more free
As they hug to the right of me
Where was this love of mine?
Who softens the scarring lies
Who forces the pain to recline
The task of which belongs to the love of mine
Now I know more than then
The feverish beating and sickened blend
My heart now pleads for a passionate friend
But now the truth I know more than then
The pair now locked in a fiery kiss
Theirs souls eternally maced in bliss
My own cries for the feel of this
As they delve in their undying kiss
A tear escapes my hold
Dripping calmly, oh so bold
My heart's blanketed by the icy cold
As it freezes the tear that escapes my hold
My heart's being cradled by death
Upon the unlikeliness that we have met
So my destiny has undeniably been set
To the blistering caress of death
Maybe today I'll still wait for that kiss
To put me in that heavenly bliss
For all I truly want is this
Your hold and that heated kiss.


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