
by LittleMissReality   Aug 9, 2007

Aw the days when we hugged each other good night
Back when we texted each other just to say good morning
We just goofed around and did not care what anyone said
We would make each other laugh and it would go on forever
When you would kiss me and all I did was laugh
Aw miss those days
But I have the memories of us
The laughing the crying the fighting
I never gave up on us
You never gave up on us either
We would be together forever was the plan
Plans change and things go one
But one thing does not change
The memories will always be there
Those are the things that will never change
You can try to forget them
But I will never forget the text messages for no reason
Or the password to get out of the break room
Those are the things I will not forget because they put the smile one my face!
I may hate you some days but I will never hate the smiles and the memories.
Thanks you for them and I will never forget you because I have the memories!


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  • 15 years ago

    by Laurenf7

    Cute. can relate to everything you wrote

  • Ohhhh i love thiss
    i love the way u expressed how u would hate him sumtimes but still would remember the gud memories.
    keep goinn
    keep it up hun
    god job

  • 16 years ago

    by audrey harris

    Aww, that's nice. Good job on this poem, good display of emotion