Does it really matter

by natalie   Aug 21, 2007

Does it really matter
what people feel
which emotions they have
to some poeple it might
to others it may not
does it really matter
what we're thinking
does it really matter
if it's right or wrong
to you it could seem so right
to others it could be so wrong
does what other people think really matter
do their opinions actually count
maybe everyone is right
maybe your the one who is always in the wrong
just think about it
whichever situation
your in
think carefully
look at all the pro's and con's
no matter what poeple
think or say
you are the one
that decides
the final result
if you feel
what your doing is right
you carry on
forget about everyone else
it's your life
you decide
if it really matters, what you feel
what other people feel
is it right or wrong
who's opinions
count the most
you decide


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