Love Like Yours

by Brenda   Aug 29, 2007

Some days I get nervous
To see you
My beauty can' ever match up
To yours
My heart can't fit all the love
I have for you
My tongue knows no words
My legs hae no strength
My eyes stare in amazement
For a vision like yours they have
Not seen before
And don' know how to look away
Yet not wanting to either

Love like yours
Never existed to my mind
Until the moment I
Begin loving you
And suddenly I knew
That nothing
Would stay the same and
Would change

My world is different now
And my world has beauty
My world is yours
And all for you

Stay with me
And light my night sky
Hold my hand
And bring love to my body
You are perfect
And love is everything
That I hold for you
I love you.
And I ALWAYS will


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