Words like drugs

by emmalee   Sep 6, 2007

Easy come, easy go
how easily the words flow...

"love u lots" loving hugs
the words are like drugs

they twist up in my head
thinking its me instead

the one who's confused
I'm the abuser not the abused

when you talk its like a slap
"you cant turn it off, not like a tap"

"the feelings are still there"
but the truth is you cant really care

screw me senseless thats fine
you keep your heart IL look after mine

but don't mix it up with meaningless shit
if you say i love you, you've got to mean it

not some words cause you're hanging on to what we had
those words are whats turning us bad

if you cant let go dint cling onto me
because I'm still grieving over what i wanted us to be

i don't know who's right or even whats wrong
i feel like I'm stuck in a place iv been for too long

I'm trying to be me to find my own head
but i just keep on looking after other peoples instead

I'm hanging on because I'm scared on my own
i hate the feeling of being alone

its not just you iv got to move on from and let go
hanging onto pain and memories don't work u should know

I'm tired of fighting myself and mainly you
i want a break i want to grow too


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