Comments : What a difference a day makes

  • 16 years ago

    by BlueDreams

    Have we ever really looked inside the wrapping? Perhaps we've never accepted the gift that we're? Could it be that there is something else inside than what we think? Could God's gift be anything but good? Maybe it needs polishing to bring out its value, it's natural luster! Maybe it's unique hasn't found its essential worth? Well... I've to agree with you about the last stanza;

    "We must live for today somehow
    The only thing that matters is now
    When we learn from past mistakes
    What a difference a day makes."

    Anyway, nice poem though, writing well yet good message to the reader....Best wishes and take care!

  • 16 years ago

    by Pamela G

    I enjoy reading your poems. Thank you for sharing.


  • 16 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    This poem is very loving. i like this alot. i rate this a 5. keep up the good work

  • 16 years ago

    by Tricky Daze

    Wow it was so truthful and reality about life...But in life things like that always happen
    My fave lines are;

    We must live for today somehow
    The only thing that matters is now
    When we learn from past mistakes
    What a difference a day makes

    Keep it up michael,

  • 16 years ago

    by Veamm


    Tomorrow, future is always a great topic to us people.. what can tomorrow be?..well future is a thinking matter and we people are still expecting for great things will to come..

    Nice concept..
    Keep it up!

  • 16 years ago

    by Sweet Fragility

    The last stanza is fantastic, for one thing. This piece is wonderful because it talks about the future in a very truthful way. Great job.