Grave Digger

by Crystal   Oct 4, 2007

Clawing at the ground
Making a grave in the rain
Crying tears of a salty sea
No words come from trembling lips
As I proceed to dig my grave
My clothes are muddy
My mind racing with thoughts and fear
Having no life wishing I was dead
All emotions twisted inside
like a snake ready to shead its skin
No time to stop and think
When my heart is braking in two again
As it takes over my mind
Love feels like pain
Pain turns into anger
Anger turns into depression
Depression turns to self hatred
As I dig deeper into the grave
Ready to bury the demons of the past
Into the whole I go
Covering it with fresh soil by unseen hands
ramming a cross into the ground
a soft voice speaks
"now I stand before you
with no fear nor hate
no anger or pain"
"I forgive you for the sin that I made
and so Now I lay you to rest"


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