Every Girl needs a Daddy

by Melissa   Oct 4, 2007

Someone to run off my boyfriend
Someone to be my best friend
Someone to help me with my home work
Someone who's the biggest dork

I needed you to tuck me in at night when i was young
I needed you to tell me I'm good no matter how bad i sung.
I needed you to teach me right from wrong
I needed you to write me a song.

I wanted you there when i graduated middle school.
I wanted you there when i started high school
I wanted you there for my first date.
I wanted you there when I first traveled out of state.

I want you there when i graduate high school
I want you there when I go to graduate school
I want you there when i get married
I want you there when i have my first baby.

You'll never seen any of this happen.
You'll never be there when it does happen.
You never wanted me in your life
So now i don't want you in my life.

Every girl needs someone to be her hero
Every girl never wants a zero
Every girl wants someone to be her caddy
Every girl needs a DADDY


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  • 16 years ago

    by Kayla

    I know how you feel girl. this is an awsome poem. my dad after he remarried kinda had two kids of there own and then he kinda started slowly but surely forgetin about me then when i graduated high school it was like finally i dont have to pay for child support and then we got in a huge fight b/c he choose my two half brothers over me one day he took their side. anyways we havent spoken since and me and my bf are wantin to get married and it sucks that i cant have my dad there.