The Hourglass

by Beautiful Chaos   Oct 6, 2007

Traipsing through this hourglass,
Time is slowly slipping,
Sand the memories of our days,
As though our soul is dripping.

Days of youth do slip away,
As time it carries on,
Then one day you wake up,
Your time is almost gone.

Have you said the things you wish,
Your loved ones to remember,
Shall you leave a burning fire,
Or go out as an ember.

Will you find a shining path,
Or one that's paved with flames,
Is there nothing beyond here,
Our Gods just empty names.

No matter what the case may be,
Our love should bring about,
A treasure trove of pure emotion,
Before the sands run out.


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  • 16 years ago

    by The Queen of Spades

    I really loved the idea behind this poem and the way you phrased it, it was very thought-provoking. The only constructive input I have would be perhaps to make sure to proof-read your work because some phrases were odd such as "have you said the things wish" in the second stanza. Other than that, excellent job!


  • 16 years ago

    by cory

    That last line was awesome it hit me like a brick.And the rest of its great too.I love your poems keep writing!!= )5/5


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