Life, Love, Loss, and Pearly Gates

by Aaron Deevers   Oct 12, 2007

Life seemed that it was going so good
So good that nothing could break it
Break is what happened to my heart

Lose my true love
True love of a year
Taken from me to soon

Life crushed my heart
A heart that was completed
Complete with love holding it together

Now these days I cry
Cry from remembering the days we spent as one
Days that seemed so long ago

Life was fine
Fine till that day
That day of losing my love

Life as she saw it was to move on
Move on continue to succeed in life
As I have failed to succeed
I have gained strength from what she taught me

She always said life could end any time
As I learned that lesson the hard way
I continue to live each day as if it were the last

One day I will again meet her
That day when I do
Those Pearly Gates will open with her there
Standing and waiting for me
Waiting for me to once again be with my true love


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