If I Never Knew You

by Beautiful Chaos   Oct 12, 2007

I could live a million lives,
and never again find you,
Even if my hurt was gone,
It's not something I could do.

You made me smile,
You made me laugh,
In the end you made me cry,
Losing the memories that we made,
Would bleed my river dry.

I came alive and felt so much I thought I'd never know,
You taught me things,
You loved me once,
You helped me learn and grow.

You helped me see the world was mine,
You filled me with desire,
You pulled me out of the hole I fell in,
You lifted my spirit higher.

Somewhere I lost you along the way
Or was it you who had lost me?
It takes too long to figure out,
I'm just be happy we came to be.

When my world seems empty,
Cold sets in,
And I feel like I cant love,
I will remember the day I gave you my heart,
A memory I can be proud of.

I will remember that once I had the strength,
To find my place in this world,
I'll stand back up and grab those strings,
Of a love that's come unfurled.

I'll tuck them safe beside my heart,
And remember when I feel lost,
A tree doesn't die,
Just whithers awhile,
While the ground is covered with frost.


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