Comments : To Pass The Line...

  • 16 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    This poem to me was a bit confusing. but overall it was a very good write. the flow was great and words were to

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Good flow, good wording and a feeling of puppy love comes over me...
    Well done!

    take care,

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by Shinobi

    Wow, really liked this poem. The metaphors, rhyming and structure are just perfect. No bad comments, definitely one of my favs 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Love is such a complicated and twisted thing, nice work.i like the passion of the last half of your poem

  • 15 years ago

    by Teria

    Very well written. The beginning caught my attention. Though I thought the last two lines could have been made into a whole other stanza. It was like a 2in1 deal, which isn't too bad. But, if you're really not too set on the whole 4 lined stanza deal with this poem then you could mess it up a little and make it go a little better. I do think that it's a good beginning, just the thought of it being two stanzas makes it better. You have decent vocabulary through-out. But, things like Hes =He's stuck out to me. I think those should be fixed, you might want to recheck it and fix them as well. Good emotion. The whole "valentines day" kind of confused me, but when you went on to say how it was so cliche it clicked and I got it. Good thing that's in there, eh. Lol. I wouldn't make any serious changes to the poem I think it's well put together. Maybe just go through and fix the whole He's and She's kinda thing.